swimming pool in view with plants covering and neer ganga resorts in the background

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Deals & Packages

Unforgettable Moments, Unbeatable Offers

Discover exclusive deals at Neer Ganga Resorts in Rishikesh, making your stay truly memorable. Book now before these limited-time offers vanish. Experience unforgettable moments with us.

swimming pool in view with plants covering and neer ganga resorts in the background

Direct Booking Offer

Book directly on our website to secure up to 20% off, and enhance your savings with an additional exclusive 3% discount simply by signing up as a member.

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Yoga Retreat Offer

Nurture your mind, body, and soul with a rejuvenating yoga retreat at our resort. Embrace the serenity of Rishikesh while indulging in a peaceful yoga experience. Book your Yoga Retreat with us and enjoy an exclusive discount of up to 15% off on your stay.

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balcony seats under a conopy with mountain views - neer ganga resorts
a bed with rose petals spread over and grey pillows on it

Honeymoon Package

Celebrate Love in Serenity: Neer Ganga Resorts - Your Dream Honeymoon Destination in the Heart of Rishikesh.

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Corporate & Social Events

Planning a corporate event or a special occasion? Look no further! At Neer Ganga Resorts, we understand the importance of perfection in hosting events. Avail yourself of up to 10% off on your booking and let us help you create a truly remarkable experience.

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a large dining table in the centre with other small tables on the side inside a room - Neer Ganga Resorts

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